Learn how one group of Tech students, including undergraduates and graduates, teamed together to bring solar-powered microgrids to Haitian villages over the course of multiple years.
In the World University Rankings released yesterday by Times Higher Education, Georgia Tech moved from No. 41 to No. 33, the highest ranking among Georgia’s academic institutions.
A roundtable discussion took place Tuesday with President G.P. "Bud" Peterson and leaders from the dozen corporate innovation centers that now have a home in Tech Square.
For many students, this year's presidential election will be their first. Here's a guide to when, where, and how to be ready to vote on or before Nov. 8.
Student Donates 5 Million Air Miles to Student Organizations
Ryan Pickren, a computer engineering major, earned the miles through United Airlines' Bug Bounty Program, which awards miles for finding cybersecurity issues.
The semester is now well underway, but, a few weeks ago, new Yellow Jackets were anticipating what the year would hold. We followed eight of them on the first day of the semester.